Ammas are always great in their ways and means of care, love and affection showing impartially and equal to all children. Particularly their love towards their grandchildren is un comparable and no words to express it. Indeed many of the times i got spell bound about her love towards us and my kids. My kids started jumping and will fly when they heard the news of her arrival or our visit to her place. Till date at her age of 60 with so many health complications, she is very active and helping us in various means.
This is one of my kids favorite recipe by the hands of their grandma... My mom is a amazing cook and even a simple recipe has a heavenly taste. Not only my kids, everyone in our family are craving to this Puliodharai.
Click the link for the funny story and tasty recipe of the below dish.
Sending this to Pedatha's Cooking for kids with Love Event.
And here comes the beautiful Awards
Varsha Vipins passed me the super duper chef Award and made my day's recipes yummy, bright and beautiful. (as always he! he! he!)I was flying while cooking on that day. Thank u dear. This Lovely cute heart came from a sweety, Yasmeen of Health nut and from my dear friend Vidhya of Appetizing Recipes. The day I received the Award made my heart beet in a sweet lovely rhythm and the whole day i was enjoying that. Thank you sweet hearts.
Passing these to my Blogger buddies
1.Ashwini 2. Akal's Saappadu, 3.VG 4.Aquadaze, 5. Ann 6. sriharivatsan 7. Preety 8.rekhas kitchen 9.Malar Gandhi 10.Aparna 11.Mahimaa's kitchen, 12.AnuSriram 13.Sukanya Ramkumar ,14.Viki Xavier. 15.Usha, 16. Kitchen Flavours 17. n33ma 18.vidhya 19.swapna pravin 20.Anu Divya
Congrats dears.
a loved mom, lucky daughter and grandchild!
your daughter is a little cutie!
and congratulations for the awards!
lovely post..good one..
First of all, say my namaskarams to mami..I have tasted her puliyodarai (when i was pregnant)and i never forget that in my lifetime..Manni, i shall be greatful to you for this throughout my life..
Congrauts on the awards and thanx for passing it to me..
nice snap hema.i really miss my momm's cooking.mother is always special than ,enna hema correct thane.
My niece love puliyodhra and I had never had them in my life ( they live in bangalore) so last time is the first time i had them and i loved it.
Lovly post.
Thank u akal, sowmya and HC.
Hey vidhya its not a so big thing as u feel this much. its our pleasure dear. Will surely do for yr second time also.... ha ha ha
Yep jeyashree moms are always gr8 n spl.that too u know us better than anybody illa.
Congrats on the awards deserve it..And yes your cutie and mom,both are sweet.
oohh aunty look so sweet and lux is always my cute and sweet kutti such abeautiful photo hema humm ungalkku oru periya thanks chollanam for this puliyodarai recipe i miss my pecipe when i am shifting to Abudhabi
Yes, Hema your mom is a great cook. I have tasted her vatha kulambhu and it is awesome. I miss my mom's cooking too. Mom are always special. Congrats and thanks for passing the award.
Thank u Ann, Rekha and vidhya for the loving words here.
Great post Adlak, your kid and mom are so good looking! :)
Thanks for the Puliyogare, love it. enjoy your awards too! :))
A loving mom and a beautiful daughter..Lucky to have them..Words are not enough to write about mothers..I miss her and her yummy food..
Congratulations on your award..Thank You for passing them to me.I am really humbled..Thank You
God could not be everywhere thats why he made mothers- so true right.
I have always loved Iyengar Puliyodarai.Congrats on your awards and thanks for thinking of me.
Enakku award onnum ilaya??Romba kashtam..:(
Kidding Akka.congrats on ur awards ..:).I loved that cute pic ..:)
Thats a nice pic of your mom and daughter. Puliyogarai looks delicious! Congrats on ur awards and thanks for thinking about me.. I'm feeling happy!
nice post hema..yes, ammas are great...i love the saying-"gods cannot be every where.. hence he created mothers".. how true?
thanks for the award dear.
Wonderful picture,wonderful post...the puliyogare looks delicious...Congrats on your award and thanks so much for passing it on to me, I am touched !
Your daughter is very cute !!!Nice post... good.. say my regards to Mom..
Wow! I love the pictures & dish too. Looks delicious:)
Great post! Ur mom and kid are looking good!
Congrats on all ur awards hema! The story and the puliodharai looks great!
Lovely Paati ma /aunty ..and her pethi looks adorable! Nice post..good pic!
I am drooling over puliyodarai! :)
i know its amazing that everything prepared my mom always tastes awesome...i am hoping the same thing my kids can say:)..i love the pic of your mom and your cute daughter..thanks for passing me the award dear
Pretty picture:)
drooling over the puliyogare!!
Enjoy the award!!
Great pic also delicious dish...congrats on ur awards...
Congratulations dear... Nice pic..Love Puliyodarai... :)
Puluyodarai looks so good. YUM! Congrats on ur award. Thank u so much for passing me those sweet awards....
thanks a lot my friends for yr cute and sweet comments in this post.
Nice snap hema. your cutie and mom,both are sweet. ConveyMy regards to your Amma:)Puliyodarai looks delicious!
Nice words there about moms,they certainly deserve most respect in a family.I loved to nibble the tangy pulihora more than ever during the nauseous episodes of pregnancy.
Give my regards to your mom and lakshana sure looks cute snugged up beside granmaa:)
lovely post,lovely family
and hey, final Round Up of Just for you is now posted at
c u there :-)
ur kiddo is so nice!
happy to see great chef's mom too in the pic!
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