Who says no to Dosa that too for Restaurants style Roasted Cones.. I tried many times whenever I prepare dosa to make cones like the way they serve in Restaurants. But I couldn’t make as perfect as they give.. Luckily I got a chance to view the way of making the cone Dosa in Hotel Saravana Bhavan (Saravana Chats near my Doctors clinic), When I have gone there with my little one for check up. He was troubling a lot during our waiting time, running here and there in the entrance...The Restaurant's kitchen was very visible thru a window from the clinic Entrance.. Obviously we got attracted towards the aroma of the food, the way and technique they used to prepare,
garnish and serve the items for the orders.
My smart boy grabs the attraction of the chef by his curious questions like uncle what are u doing, how u are cooking these dishes, Is this for me! can I come there? (in Tamil-Uncle enna panringa, yaruku panringa, Enka! Nan vadhatuma ange(varattuma) Blah blah …Then slowly I started asking him how u r making the cone out of the dosa… Fortunately they got an order for Ghee Roast, he practically shown me the preparing Style.
garnish and serve the items for the orders.
Dosa batter
Ghee/oil to sprinkle on dosa.
Pour the batter in the dosa griddle and sprinkle ghee around it.
Cook in low medium flame. Make a line from the centre to one corner with dosa ladle as shown in the pic 1.( step 1).
Then start rotate the dosa. Refer pics step 2 to 4.
Here u go, to get the ghee roast cones from my kitchen.
Beautiful and delicious.
Wish i had those crispy looking ghee roast.
Wow wat a quick response HC,, still i am in editing page. Thanks a lot for the so quick response dear.
Oh such a crispy and delicious dosa!
wow...jus now had my dinner........urs make me hungry again...........
oh dears thank u so mcuh for the quick response...
Thanks cham.
shama u are welcome to have another plate for yr dinner dear.
wow hema so many stars in your blog nice background mmmmm dosa looks so crispy so mouthwatering hema
Send me some of those cones to me NOw, I am eating salad here!! :D
Looks deeeelicious!
wow.. these look just like hotel style dosa. awesome...
Thats a lovely crispy dosa.. Looks inviting!
beautiful n crispy Akka..wil try it ..:)
waaw the dosa is so nice and inviting. Me and My hubby are in norway here on a project and staying in hotel... so no cooking. Only my eyes get the indian food thru the blogs... Nice post
wow that has come out beautifully sooo delicious
Dosa looks crispy..Clicks are awesome..
Hema,Ghee roast looks yummy..Happy pongal to you and family
Looks so yummy and crispy, Hema
Thanks u rekha for the comnt as well as yr keen observation on little thins in my blog.. so happy to note from u.
Thanks u so much Aha,mahima, varsha, anu sriram, deesha, sriharivastan, ann and Vibaas for all yr encouraging comnts.
Hi Roochi... enjoying at Norway?... good.. Now have a feast for yr eyes then u can enjoy the Indian foods when u come back home. Enjoy dear.
nice write up..looks yummy..
Happy pongal/sankranti..
nice click hema,btw who is ur doctor?nice background in ur blog.
This is my all time fav. Look so good. YUM!
Happy Pongal!!!
useful tips dear. Thanks for sharing the secret of cones.
Happy Pongal.
Cripsy!I remember seeing the method in Vah chef's video on web.Usually my dosa don't turn out to be so crisp ,guess I don't quite have the proportions right.I'll post my recipe one fine day:)
Thanks sowmya,jeyashri, viki, sukanya and yasmeen...
Dosa looks so crispy so mouthwatering & Looks inviting! hema.Send me some of those cones to me .. drooling....
I love HSB GheeRoast...yours looks as same as it is in HSB...Lovely color
This looks so crispy and delicious, the cone has come out perfectly just like at the restaurants, awesome !
Thank u mrs.kannan,jaishree and usha...
jaishree sure u can have it dear come to my place;;;;
They look so crispy and perfect.. I too make cone dosa's for a change :)
Hema, I tried your way today. It came out well. Thanks for sharing.
Thank u Uj and vidhas.
Hey i was really trying to make this cone shape for my daughter. I am very happy to c ur simple method to fold it. Thanks
so crispy and perfect dosa!
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